My Projects

Portfolio and current projects

Most of my past projects especially those that pre-date 2024 have been simple coding excercises, mainly with the aim of creating a start-to-finish project for my own personal enjoyment.

However, having recently been granted a place at Bangor University to study for an undergraduates degree in Computer Science, the different types of projects that I choose to involve myself in are going to get significantly more complex and larger in scope.

All stuff I am looking forward too of course ;)

2024 - Now

  1. This website is designed with efficency and simplicity in mind, thus eliminating pesky things such as JavaScript or a complicated backend. This website is pure HTML and CSS, just as Alan Turing intended!

Pre 2024

Software Related Projects:

  1. Multiple websites, including different iterations of my own personal website, as well as sites about my hobbies, current activities and blogging.
  2. Multiple finished and unfinished games written in a multitude of languages (Python, Rust and C) utilising different libraries.

Some examples include:

  1. A snake clone in Python utilising Pygame.
  2. A GUI window that showed a pair of geometric primitives made to look like eyes tracking the cursor, all written in Rust.
  3. Simplistic logic game(s) for the CLI entirely written in C.

Whilst many of the projects I have listed are small in scope and contain a relatively low amount of specialist knowledge to complete, they've been valuable lessons to learn from, and have been indespensible when developing my skills not only in coding, but also in project management, design and the best way to just, learn stuff.